🔭 Med School Moose 2024 Outlook

News & Updates

Happy 2024!🎆

I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable start to the New Year.

As 2024 gets rolling, I wanted to share some plans for the future of Med School Moose.

2023 was a huge year for Med School Moose. We began building up some YouTube Shorts, created the official Med School Moose TikTok, launched the Sunday Morning Sounds newsletter...and of course, created this amazing website!

That being said, the core mission of Med School Moose is to provide medical students and residents with high quality, no nonsense educational and lifestyle content to help them in the journey through medicine.

In order to support that mission, I wanted to share some things on the horizon for this year:

  • Build the Sunday Morning Rounds Newsletter for everyone🏗️. Fortunately this already under way, but this newsletter is special to me because it not only helps subscribers get to know me better, but also allows me to create more content in addition to my videos. Stay tuned for articles on creating your residency match, tips on finances and wellness, and more insights into how to elevate your studying and productivity.
  • Better microphone for better audio🎙️. Admittedly this has gotten better, but I want to continue improving because I know how annoying a great video with mediocre audio quality can be. My current microphone is the Blue Yeti, but I'm hoping to upgrade to a Shure microphone. If you have experience with this stuff and have any insights, email me at the link below!
  • Post more Emergency Medicine High Yield Facts videos🚨. At the end of the day I'm an emergency medicine physician, so it'd be foolish to not make this part of my content. Plus, the In-training Exam (ITE) for EM residents is coming up next month...!
  • Create even more videos for USMLE and COMLEX prep🧠. Video series like USMLE Step 1 High Yield Images and USMLE Step 1 Buzz Words have been paramount to the success of Med School Moose. I can see how much this content is appreciated (I try to respond to every single comment on YouTube!) so continuing to make and expand these videos is a no-brainer.
  • Collaborate more with other creators🤝. This is something I am still working out, but I know there are others in this space who also make great content. My hope is to partner with some of these creators on articles, videos, and potentially live sessions to reach and help more people.
  • Launch some amazing new free resources🆓. In addition to awesome videos and helpful articles, I want to continue creating resources for this website that med students and residents can benefit from. Have a suggestion for a resources that might be useful to you? Scroll down to find that link to email me!

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped Med School Moose get as far as it has. Whether you've watched videos, read articles, or just left a nice comment, your kindness means the world to me and I look forward to your continued support in 2024!

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