🧠 Studying
🍅 Balanced Studying with The Pomodoro Technique 🏫 Learn Anything with The Feynman Technique ✨ One Scent to Improve Your Mood and Concentration Read more articles on Studying →⚡ Productivity
🐣 Overcoming Mental Blocks with A Beginner's Mind ⌚ Change Your Day in 5 Minutes - Part 2 ⌚ Change Your Day in 5 Minutes - Part 1 Read more articles on Productivity →All Articles
👀 My Thoughts on Match Day 2025
Happy Sunday friends!💘 This edition of Sunday Morning Rounds features: ✅ Tips and thoughts on Match Day 2025 ✅ A brand new Med School Moose partner to help med students and residents ✅Insights into my own Match Day experience ...and more! But first, an important reminder📣: The rank order list certification deadline
🎥 Med School Moose YouTube Roundup
Hi friends, it's time for a YouTube Roundup!🐎 I'll be posting these updates from time to time to highlight recent videos on my YouTube channel so you can be sure you don't miss any content!😸 My latest video was the kickoff of a brand
🟩 How to Start 2025 the Right Way
Happy Sunday friends, and cheers to the first Sunday Morning Rounds of 2025! 🥂 This edition of Sunday Morning Rounds features: ✅ Advice for fourth-year med students creating their residency rank list ✅ Videos to help EM residents prepare for a big upcoming exam ✅ Brand new book notes ...and more! Be sure to
💭 Comments Are Now Turned On!
Have you been dying to share your thoughts on one of my many articles on topics for medical students, residents, studying, or productivity?🤔 Well now you finally can!😁 Starting today, comments will be turned on for all articles on the website. My hope by enabling comments is that users like
👋🏻 Goodbye, Things - Fumio Sasaki
A worthwhile read on Japanese minimalism and how to part with old, forgotten, and no longer needed items.
💵 The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel
A deep dive into understanding our thoughts and feelings about money, and how that can help us learn to better manage it.
🔭 Med School Moose 2025 Outlook
Happy Sunday friends!🎆 For this last Sunday of 2024, I wanted to spend rounds talking about plans for the future of Med School Moose for the upcoming year🔮. Med School Moose is growing rapidly📈, and you can read all about some things we've been working on lately in
🗓️ Med School Moose 2024 Year in Review
Happy Sunday friends, and greetings from England!💂🎡 I am currently on vacation in London and will soon be heading to Belgium to explore Christmas markets and eat tons of chocolate🎄🍫. Nevertheless, Sunday morning means rounding!👨🏽⚕️ As 2024 comes to a close, I wanted to reflect on everything Med School Moose
🐣 Overcoming Mental Blocks with A Beginner's Mind
Previously, we've covered a lot of wonderful concepts like time blocking, habit stacking, and The Pareto Principle that can help boost our productivity and efficiency📈. Today, let's introduce a new concept🆕. Have you ever been working on an assignment or tackling a project, when suddenly you
🧬 Sunday Morning Rounds is Evolving...
Happy Sunday friends!❄️ Today I wanted to share an important update regarding the Sunday Morning Rounds newsletter🗞️. For over a year, Sunday Morning Rounds has been a place where we've discussed study tips🧠, productivity hacks⚡, residency interview advice💼, and so much more. From everyone I've spoken
⭐ Resources for Residency Interview Season
For the past several weeks, we've been diving into every aspect of residency interviews on Sunday Morning Rounds🤿. We've covered what questions to expect during the interview❓, interview mistakes to avoid🙅🏼♂️, some tips for virtual interviews💻, and so much more. Now it's time to
🛑 Don't Do This During Your Residency Interview
Between conducting residency interviews at my home program🏠 and helping students prepare for interviews with Interview Boost👓, I've had the opportunity to speak to a lot of medical students across the country. And so far, there's one big issue I've noticed medical students doing
🛜 Perfecting Your Virtual Residency Interview Setup
A couple weeks ago, we talked about tips for virtual residency interviews. At the top of that list was optimizing your space, i.e. making sure you have a high quality computer/desk setup to maximize performance for interviews🧑🏻💻. Today let's take a closer look at that🔎. As
🧠 Building A Second Brain - Tiago Forte
A transformative guide on capturing, organizing, and accessing knowledge to boost creativity and productivity. My favorite book of 2023!
👹 Monsters and How to Tame Them - Kevin Hart
A candid guide with Kevin Hart's trademark humor on how to conquer personal fears and inner obstacles.
🤬 The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck - Mark Manson
A refreshingly blunt guide to prioritizing what truly matters and letting go of everything else.
⭕ Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
An eye-opening look at the unexpected factors that drive extraordinary success.
🌈 The Creative Act - Rick Rubin
An exploration of creativity as a way of life, with insights on how to nurture your unique artistic vision.
🗣️ Platform - Michael Hyatt
A practical blueprint for building influence and reaching a wider audience in the digital age.
💻 Tips for Virtual Residency Interviews
Following the Covid-19 Pandemic several years ago🦠, many residency programs started opting for virtual interviews. While some programs have gone back to primarily in-person interviews and others have adapted a hybrid model, we're bound to encounter a virtual residency invite at some point🖥️. Although virtual interviews are a
📢 The Most Important Part of a Residency Interview
Over the past few weeks, we've been dissecting various parts of the residency interview process, including the best way to start a residency interview and residency interview mistakes to avoid. One thing we haven't quite discussed yet though is what I believe is the most important
🌍 Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne
A thrilling race against time where adventure, curiosity, and resilience intersect.
🙅 Residency Interview Mistakes to Avoid
Recently, we were talking about starting our residency interview off on a high note with a good elevator speech🎶. Be sure to check out that article out if you haven't already read it! Today, let's take an opposite approach: What are some mistakes to absolutely avoid
💼 The Best Way to Start a Residency Interview
As September comes to a close, residency interviews are on the horizon🌅. Last week during Sunday Morning Rounds I shared my free list of residency interview questions, which can be accessed at any time on my resources page🆓. At the very top of that list of questions to expect on
🤔 What Questions Will I Get During My Residency Interview?
With residency interview season looming around the corner, medical students are starting to get (understandably) stressed😰. Lately when I've been working with students and there's downtime on shift, I try to ask if they have any questions I can answer🤔. After all, I was a medical
📝 Tips for Completing 2025 ERAS (Part 2)
Happy Sunday friends!😸 We are already halfway through September, which is absolutely ridiculous😱. Last week during rounds, we talked about general tips for completing ERAS for the upcoming residency interview season. As a reminder, residency programs will be able to review applications starting on September 25th, so be sure you&
📝 Tips for Completing 2025 ERAS (Part 1)
Hi friends, happy Sunday and happy September!🗓️ As fall approaches🍁, this marks the time of year when medical students and residency programs start to gear up for the residency interview season ahead of Match 2025. Med School Moose will of course be covering various topics throughout the interview season here
☠️ Every Patient You See is Dying.
Happy Sunday!🌞 Last week during rounds, I discussed my takeaways from watching medical students complete away rotations in our department so far🧑🏼⚕️. One thing I started thinking about is that some medical students (and even some interns) have a tough time getting into the emergency medicine doctor mindset🤨. Being an
🚑 My EM Away Rotation Takeaways So Far
Happy Sunday friends!😁 As we close out August, I thought this would be a good time to share some tips and takeaways regarding emergency medicine away rotations🥼. By now, many medical students who are applying to emergency medicine for residency have had at least 1 EM rotation🚨. Hopefully you'
📏 Solving Problems by Creating Distance
Hello friends, happy Sunday!👋🏽 Here at Sunday Morning Rounds, we're all about solving problems🤨. In the past we've discussed various ways of doing this, such as using the five why's. But have you ever gotten so deep into a problem to the point where
🥼 Do's & Don'ts of Speaking with Medical Consultants
Happy Sunday!🌅 This week on Sunday Morning Rounds, I want to talk about speaking with consultants🗣️. Speaking with consultants is something we have to do frequently in the hospital🏥. From Infectious Disease🦠 to Psychiatry🧠 to General Surgery🔪, medicine is a team sport, and a multi-disciplinary approach is necessary for complex
🆕 Med School Moose Updates
Happy Sunday! Unfortunately I'm feeling a bit under the weather 🤧. So this week during Sunday Morning Rounds, I want to share some of the latest high yield content I've been working on for medical students and residents as well as an announcement about an upcoming event!
🌃 Tips for Surviving Overnight Shifts in the Hospital
Happy Sunday!🌚 This past month, I've been working a lot of overnight shifts in the emergency department💤. I'll come right out and say it: I absolutely despise overnight shifts😡. Some people love them, but I am not one of those people. For better or worse, I&
⌚ Change Your Day in 5 Minutes - Part 2
Happy Sunday! ✌🏽 Last week during rounds, we introduced the 5-Minute Rule for identifying which task in a to-do list will take about 5 minutes to complete📃. We discussed how the 5-minute rule can be a handy tool in our toolbox for not only getting one thing done, but potentially others
⌚ Change Your Day in 5 Minutes - Part 1
Happy Sunday! 😎 Do you have 5 minutes to spare?⏳ I'm hoping the answer is yes, because this week for Sunday Morning Rounds we'll be talking about a quick tool to evaluate tasks that can entirely change the way we complete them🪛. When we have a list
📈 Leveling Up Efficiency with The Pareto Principle
Happy Sunday! This week during rounds, let's talk about an idea that can elevate our productivity to a whole new level😲. Since this is the first newsletter of July, that means we're now more than halfway through 2024, which is ridiculous📆. But that also makes it
🔠 A Mnemonic to Elevate Your Productivity
This week during rounds, I want to share a mnemonic📖. As we've alluded to for the past several weeks, these summer months are a very transformative time for many in medicine☀️. New interns are starting residency🩺. Some medical students are starting audition rotations on their road to residency�
💜 Why We Should Love Stress
Happy Sunday! As I was thinking about what to write this week for Sunday Morning Rounds, a thought popped into my head. I talk about stress a lot.😅 Whether it's navigating medical school🩺, applying for residency📝, or actually starting a career as a physician🏥, whenever I'm
📈 How to Excel on Audition Rotations
Over the past few weeks, we've been talking about the upcoming transition of medical students starting their residency🩺. That's not the only big change this time of year though. For newly minted fourth-year medical students, these summer months are the time when many start sub-internships on
🏁 5 Essential Tips for Month One of Residency
Happy Sunday!🌞 Last week during rounds, we covered my pre-residency checklist and talked about all the self-care and adulting tasks to check off before starting residency✅. But what about when residency actually starts...what can we do to put ourselves in the best position to succeed?🤔 I'm so
🟢 The Best Way to Start Residency
Happy Sunday! We are less than 1 month away from July 1st, aka the day new interns finally start residency🏥. If you want to make sure you're starting residency at your best, keep reading👀. It's no secret that residency is hard. If it were easy everyone
📝 A New Kind of Productivity List
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…I love lists💚. There’s something about writing out tasks in my favorite planner and checking them off one-by-one that makes me feel like I'm winning the day🥇. Recently I was reading Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver
💔 Medicine Doesn't Love You
The other day I was walking around town listening to a podcast🚶🏽♂️when I heard something that kind of messed with my head😵💫. "The work won't love you back." The podcast was A Slight Change of Plans by cognitive scientist Dr. Maya Shankar, and she was
🌞 A Better Day with Time Blocking
This week during Sunday Morning Rounds, I have an assignment for you📝. I want you to think about a project you've been wanting to start but have been putting off for a while🤔. Perhaps it's reading that book that's been sitting on your coffee
🐝 USMLE Step 2 Buzzwords is Here!
Great news this week on rounds: I've recently dropped a new video series on my YouTube channel: USMLE Step 2 CK Buzzwords! You can watch the video below⬇️ or by clicking here. Keep reading to find out how and why this new series came to bee...pun intended�
🐒 The Monkey Mind & The Monk Mind
I was watching a video recently when I came across an interesting parable I had never heard before📖. The video was an interview discussing how to overcome uncertainty, and at one point the interviewer made a comparison between the monkey mind and the monk mind. The monkey mind can be
🍅 Balanced Studying with The Pomodoro Technique
Raise your hand if this is you: You've been studying for several hours straight, and after a while you find yourself feeling exhausted and burnt out✋🏻. Or how about the opposite scenario: You've just started studying and decide to take a quick break, only to find
7️⃣ Seven Tips For USMLE Step 1 Success
Dedicated USMLE study time is coming! Do you have the tools to succeed?🔨 As the school year nears its end, second-year medical students are gearing up to take the USMLE Step 1📝. I've already created hours of content like my USMLE Step 1 High Yield Images and USMLE
📰 Refreshed Newsletter Format!
If you're subscribed to the Sunday Morning Rounds Newsletter, you may have noticed a new format over the past couple weeks🆕. And if you're not subscribed, head to the bottom of this page because you're missing out!⬇️ This refreshed and cleaner newsletter will help
🏗️ Building Productivity with Habit Stacking
This week during rounds, I want to discuss a powerful hack that can help us be more productive and create healthier habits🍎. I recently did a quarterly review of goals I set at the beginning of the year📝 and it got me thinking about how difficult it can be to