Masood Mohammed

Masood Mohammed

May 26
📝 A New Kind of Productivity List
May 19
💔 Medicine Doesn't Love You
May 12
🌞 A Better Day with Time Blocking
May 05
🐝 USMLE Step 2 Buzzwords is Here!
Apr 28
🐒 The Monkey Mind & The Monk Mind
Apr 21
🍅 Balanced Studying with The Pomodoro Technique
Apr 14
7️⃣ Seven Tips For USMLE Step 1 Success
Apr 10
📰 Refreshed Newsletter Format!
Apr 07
🏗️ Building Productivity with Habit Stacking
Mar 31
❌ Doing This One Thing Might Ruin Your Medical Education
Mar 25
🏪 Amazon Shop Has Been Updated!
Mar 24
✉️ Dear Unmatched Residency Applicant
Mar 24
💨 Master Your Breathing to Master Your Stress
Mar 17
💫 I Learned an Important Lesson on Match Day
Mar 09
😶 Match Week 2024: What if I Don't Match?
Mar 03
🔗 Preparing for Match Day 2024
Feb 25
🌄 What Japan Teaches Us About Efficiency
Feb 18
🥇 Create Your Best Residency Rank List
Feb 11
🧱 Enhance Your Life with Habit Stacking
Feb 04
🩺 What Makes A Good Resident?