Congratulations to everyone who had a successful match! I hope the celebration was enjoyable and that you were happy with the result😁.
As Match Week 2024 comes to a close, I wanted to share my personal Match Day experience and an important lesson I learned that I've kept with me ever since💭.
I participated in Match 2019. It's hard to believe that it's already been 5 years since that day, but time starts to fly once you're out of medical school💨.
I remember standing in my medical school's university center🏫, excited and anxious about the envelope I was holding in my hand✉️. My birthday had just been the day before, so this was the perfect icing on the cake🎂.
The clock struck noon, I opened my envelope, and...I didn't get my first choice.
I remember standing there staring at the sheet of paper, dumbfounded. Right next to me, my best friend was jumping up and down after finding out he matched into his first choice🥇.
I felt conflicted. I was proud and grateful to have matched, but I was disappointed about not getting my first choice😞. I kept thinking about how the program director at my #1 program said how happy he would be to have me there.
Well then why didn't it happen?!😫
Before I could let these negative thoughts drag me down and keep me there🆘, I had a realization. I had waited my entire life for this moment...and the moment was still here! Rather than staying disappointed about what could have been, I refocused on the fact that I did match, a residency program did want me, and I would be a doctor👨🏽⚕️.
I'm happy to say that my residency program ended up being a wonderful place to train and it molded me into the physician I am today🩺, providing me with lifelong friends and incredible experiences along the way🌟.
So what is the point of all of this?🤔
Not everyone gets their first choice during the Match. Some of you reading this may have just experienced that firsthand, and here is my advice to you⬇️
That piece of paper doesn't define you, but what you do with it will.
If you choose to sulk or get angry about an algorithm you cannot even hope to understand, you undermine all your hard work from the past four years and limit your ability to succeed moving forward🛑.
On the other hand👋🏻, if you choose to find joy and gratitude in achieving the thing you wanted so badly, you will finish medical school on a high note and start residency feeling refreshed and re-energized✅.
I know what I'm picking.
🦸 What Makes A Good Resident?: Find out what characteristics are important in being a successful resident.
🟢 The Best Way to Start Residency: Read these pearls on how to set yourself up for success early in residency.
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