🙅 Residency Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Medical Students

Happy Fall y'all!🍁

While the temperatures are still clocking it at 100+ here in Phoenix🥵, I hope everyone else is enjoying some cooler weather🌬️.

Last week during rounds, we talked about starting our residency interview off on a high note with a good elevator speech🎶. Be sure to check that article out if you haven't already read it!

This week, let's take an opposite approach: What are some mistakes to absolutely avoid during residency interviews?❌

First, let's make one thing clear: No residency interview will be absolutely perfect. Maybe we're a little bit groggy because we had a hard time sleeping🥱. Maybe we're feeling anxious because we couldn't find a parking spot🚗. Maybe we just don't gel with out interviewer for whatever reason💔.

A lot of these small issues may not be in our control, and they are not dealbreakers for an interview. But below is a list of things that we can (and should) control to make sure we make a positive impression during our residency interview⬇️

  • Don't be late🕔. A mentor of mine used to say "if you're on time, you're already late". While we can't plan for all of life's curveballs⚾, we need to make sure we make every effort to show up early for our residency interview. This can mean anything from checking traffic beforehand🚦 to setting multiple alarms⏰, to mapping out the route a day early🗺️. No one wants to be the applicant that walks in late when all the other applicants are already there and all eyes are immediately on you👁️👄👁️.
  • Don't be unprofessional or rude🤬. This is an easy way to lose the faith of a residency program. It's a common adage that the interview starts as soon as you get out of your car. Be kind to everyone you meet🤗, hold doors open, mind your body language/facial expressions, and don't use vulgar language. While it's okay to be a bit more lax if your interviewer is giving off that energy😎, don't forget that at the end of the day it's still an interview.
  • Don't give generic responses😪. Remember, a critical part of a good residency interview is being memorable (for good reasons!). Superficial responses when discussing why we are pursuing a particular specialty or experiences we included in our ERAS can lead to awkward interactions and a less than memorable interview. One way to help avoid this is by reviewing my free list of residency interview questions and practicing responses beforehand🗣️.
  • Don't get lost in groups👥. Some interview days consist of a group interview with all the interviewees, or at a minimum some time in the beginning when all the interviewees are sitting together waiting for the day to start. Interviewers want to see who you are as a person and how you interact with others, so these little moments are still important! Contribute to the conversation without rambling or talking over anyone🎤. Chances are the other interviewees are feeling just as anxious as you are, so a little conversation and comradery can go a long way🫱🏻‍🫲🏻. I made friends on the interview trail that I only met once and still talk to till this day!
  • Don't forget to ask questions🙋🏽‍♀️. Think about this for a moment: How awkward is it if the interviewer asks if you have any questions for them, and you respond with a "no I'm good"🤦‍♂️. Doesn't that seem insincere and like you don't really care? Asking questions at the end of the interview is a must, both to end the conversation on a high note but also to clear up any confusion or get answers to things we actually want to know. Avoid this mistake by watching my video on 5 Questions to Ask During Residency Interviews.

And that's it!

At the end of the day, being kind, being professional, and being sincere is a great roadmap for a successful residency interview. Follow these tips and you'll be sure to wow on interview day!🌠

​❓Answering Interview Questions: I've been breaking down how to answer common residency interview questions on TikTok, so be sure to follow me to receive all the latest videos!