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🥼 Do's & Don'ts of Speaking with Medical Consultants
Happy Sunday!🌅 This week on Sunday Morning Rounds, I want to talk about speaking with consultants🗣️. Speaking with consultants is something we have to do frequently in the hospital🏥. From Infectious Disease🦠 to Psychiatry🧠 to General Surgery🔪, medicine is a team sport, and a multi-disciplinary approach is necessary for complex
🌃 Tips for Surviving Overnight Shifts in the Hospital
Happy Sunday!🌚 This past month, I've been working a lot of overnight shifts in the emergency department💤. I'll come right out and say it: I absolutely despise overnight shifts😡. Some people love them, but I am not one of those people. For better or worse, I&
🟢 The Best Way to Start Residency
Happy Sunday! We are less than 1 month away from July 1st, aka the day new interns finally start residency🏥. If you want to make sure you're starting residency at your best, keep reading👀. It's no secret that residency is hard. If it were easy everyone
🩺 What Makes A Good Resident?
Lately during my last few shifts heading into the emergency department, I've been feeling a bit down☹️. Let's face it, the overcrowded department, issues with staffing, and slowly increasing cases of Covid-19 and Influenza would frustrate anyone, and I'm certainly no exception😫. Although my
🎄 Enjoying the Holidays in Medical School and Residency
Happy Sunday! This past week, I've really been getting into the holiday spirit❄️. Even as I'm writing this, I have my Balsam & Cedar scented candle lit and a lovely Christmas background on my second monitor. I love watching a city transform for the winter holidays.
🚀 High Yield Emergency Medicine
One fact that often gets buried in all my Med School Moose content is that I am actually a full-time, practicing emergency medicine physician👨🏽⚕️! Because this is my area of "expertise"🤨, I have slowly started to grow Med School Moose's library of emergency medicine content🚑. Med