🐝 USMLE Step 2 Buzzwords is Here!

News & Updates

Great news this week on rounds:

I've recently dropped a new video series on my YouTube channel: USMLE Step 2 CK Buzzwords!

You can watch the video below⬇️ or by clicking here.

Keep reading to find out how and why this new series came to bee...pun intended😅

After USMLE Step 1 switched to a pass/fail format in 2022, a lot of medical students began to worry there would be more emphasis on the numerical scores that still come with the USMLE Step 2 CK😓.

As someone who has reviewed applications for multiple residency programs🤨, I can say there is some degree of truth to that. While making sure applicants pass USMLE Step 1 is still very important for screening, a lot of programs do look to Step 2 scores to try and gauge a student's performance in relation to their peers⚖️.

Because of this and after requests from many students, creating some more high quality, rapid review content for Step 2 CK was the only logical decision🎥.

I hope students find this useful!

Be sure you're subscribed to Med School Moose on YouTube to get updates for all these buzzwords videos and some other helpful videos that are in the works!

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