
52 posts

Sep 01
☠️ Every Patient You See is Dying.
Aug 18
📏 Solving Problems by Creating Distance
Aug 11
🥼 Do's & Don'ts of Speaking with Medical Consultants
Aug 04
🆕 Med School Moose Updates
Jul 28
🌃 Tips for Surviving Overnight Shifts in the Hospital
Jul 21
⌚ Change Your Day in 5 Minutes - Part 2
Jul 14
⌚ Change Your Day in 5 Minutes - Part 1
Jul 07
📈 Leveling Up Efficiency with The Pareto Principle
Jun 30
🔠 A Mnemonic to Elevate Your Productivity
Jun 23
💜 Why We Should Love Stress
Jun 16
📈 How to Excel on Audition Rotations
Jun 09
🏁 5 Essential Tips for Month One of Residency
Jun 02
🟢 The Best Way to Start Residency
May 26
📝 A New Kind of Productivity List
May 19
💔 Medicine Doesn't Love You
May 12
🌞 A Better Day with Time Blocking
May 05
🐝 USMLE Step 2 Buzzwords is Here!
Apr 28
🐒 The Monkey Mind & The Monk Mind
Apr 21
🍅 Balanced Studying with The Pomodoro Technique
Apr 14
7️⃣ Seven Tips For USMLE Step 1 Success