
53 posts

Nov 12
🗣️ Answering Your Residency Interview Questions
Nov 05
💭 My Takeaways from Conducting Residency Interviews
Oct 29
🚩Residency Program Red Flags You Need to Know
Oct 22
❓Questions to Ask During Residency Interviews
Oct 15
🛗 Elevating Your Elevator Speech for Interviews
Oct 08
💼 Nailing Your Next Interview
Oct 01
🗃️ Prioritizing Tasks with the Eisenhower Matrix
Sep 24
🏆 You Are Winning Every Single Day
Sep 17
✨ One Scent to Improve Your Mood and Concentration
Sep 10
🏥 How to Be Happier in the Hospital
Sep 03
🥇 Conquer Your Day by Completing One Task
Aug 27
✈️ I Responded to an Airport Medical Emergency
Aug 15
👀 Healthier Screen Time with 20/20/20