✨ One Scent to Improve Your Mood and Concentration


Happy Sunday!😃

This week's Sunday Morning Rounds will be a bit shorter...I'm currently studying for my Emergency Medicine Oral Exam for board certification next week so most of my brainpower is going towards that🧠. Wish me luck!🤞🏻

Now let's get right to it...

Did you know that the scent of vanilla has been associated with improved mood, attention, and alertness?👃

There have been several different studies that highlight these interesting benefits.🤔

One study demonstrated that when test subjects were exposed to the scent of vanilla compared to a placebo scent for 15 minutes🕐, they had improvements in attention and alertness on a subsequent computerized test.🧪

Another study showed that this same exposure to vanilla for 15 minutes provided study participants with a more positive mood and decreased anxiety before a public speaking exercise🗣️.

And this study even mentioned that exposure to vanilla aroma was associated with a decrease in heart rate compared to placebo💚.

Now this may not be a universal theme, nor does it mean that inhaling vanilla is going to help you pass your board exams (but my YouTube channel will 😜), but there is plenty of literature to support that scent does have an effect on cognition and mood, and the effect from vanilla seems to be a positive one👍🏾.

I personally keep this vanilla scented candle on my desk and have been lighting it when I study...whatever will help this information stick so I can pass my exam😂

So the next time you're studying for a test, preparing a presentation, or getting some other work done, consider give it a try and see if you notice a difference🐽

Have a great week!

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